uber accident attorneys in Mississippi

Liability For Ridesharing Accidents: What You Need to Know

An increase in the use of ridesharing services is an emerging trend. Many people in Mississippi are now using rideshare transport offered by companies such as Uber and Lyft. With the simple press of a button in the rideshare app on your smartphone, you can request a cab driver to pick you up and take you to your desired location.

Ridesharing has provided people with multiple options in terms of how much they spend and mobility. But the popularity of ridesharing carries a greater risk of being involved in a crash that includes an Uber or Lyft driver.

If you sustain injuries as a passenger in a rideshare car or another vehicle involved in a rideshare vehicle crash, it is crucial to understand who may be liable for your medical expenses and other costs related to the accident.

Who is At Fault for a Rideshare Crash?

In general, rideshare companies such as Lyft and Uber offer insurance coverage for their drivers. However, this coverage is only valid when the driver is logged into the rideshare app, meaning that the company’s insurance covers the driver, whether they are waiting for a passenger, on the way to pick a passenger, or transporting a passenger. 

If you are a rideshare driver and have sustained injuries in a vehicle collision during any of these times, you may be able to collect compensation through the company’s insurance plan and/or your own personal vehicle insurance policy.

Upon being injured as a passenger traveling in a rideshare vehicle, you may have various options available to you for compensation.

For instance, if the rideshare driver is responsible for a multi-vehicle collision in Mississippi, you can file a case against the company’s insurance policy. But such policies usually have a set limit at a specific compensation figure. In addition, they may not be sufficient to cover all associated medical bills and other costs. If you were injured due to a third-party motorist’s recklessness, you might have solid grounds for a lawsuit against that motorist’s insurer for the recovery of damages.

In some cases, obtaining rightful compensation may involve making multiple claims against numerous policies. It can be a challenging process to navigate, making it critical to have a seasoned attorney representing you. At Gardner Law Firm, we are well-aware of the intricacies of such claims and work hard to ensure that you collect the fair compensation that you deserve.

Potential At-Fault Parties in an Uber/Lyft Accident

In any car accident, there are often substantial financial losses involved in medical expenses, lost wages, and loss of the ability to earn, besides overwhelming intangible losses. To collect economic and non-economic compensatory damages, you must understand who is liable to compensate you.

Apart from Lyft and Uber drivers, other parties may be involved in a rideshare crash. If your driver was not responsible for the accident, you might be able to pursue damages against another reckless motorist, or even multiple other drivers on the road.

Sometimes your injuries might be too serious for the level of coverage offered by Lyft and Uber. In such cases, you will need to claim compensation from the motorist’s personal insurer. The following parties could be involved in your rideshare crash claim:

  • The Uber/Lyft driver
  • An uninsured motorist
  • Another driver’s insurance provider
  • The insurer for Uber/Lyft
  • The auto manufacturer (for auto defects)
  • Other Uber/Lyft passengers

Experienced Vehicle Accident Attorneys pursue Settlements and Compensation for Severe Injuries

Drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicyclists can sustain serious injuries in rideshare accidents. Passengers riding in the back seat or the front passenger seat of a rideshare car may sustain spinal cord damage, head trauma, organ damage, fractured bones, or other internal injuries.

A pedestrian accident victim usually experiences two or more impacts. The first one occurs with the vehicle, followed by the pavement and anything else in the way. Pedestrians hit by motorists commonly sustain grave injuries such as brain trauma, paralysis, road rash, disfigurement, permanent scarring, and long-bone fractures.

Our attorneys at Gardner Law Firm will thoroughly investigate Lyft and Uber crashes for evidence that the rideshare driver is responsible and liable for compensatory damages for your injuries. We will evaluate pictures, video evidence, tire marks, witness testimony, and debris from the accident site. 

Further, we can assess whether the driver was distracted behind the wheel and whether the driver’s past record may have indicated a safety risk. We will undertake all measures necessary to create a strong insurance claim as well as prepare a lawsuit (if required).

Collect Damages for Your Lyft/Uber Rideshare Accident Claim

Various reasons lead to car accidents involving Lyft and Uber vehicles, such as distracted driving, drunk driving, traffic violations, and speeding. If you have been injured in a Lyft or Uber crash in Mississippi, our rideshare crash attorneys at Gardner Law Firm can help.

Our legal team will review your case and offer an unbiased evaluation regarding your claim. We will help you pursue the best possible option for a favorable outcome in your case. There may be a time limitation on filing your case. So, call (228) 436-6555 today for a detailed, no-obligation consultation with a skilled car accident attorney.