aggressive driving

The Connection Between Car Accidents and Aggressive Driving Behaviors

 While Biloxi traffic isn’t as bad as you might see in other parts of the country, there are definitely traffic jams that get tempers heated and angry words flowing. Almost every driver has had an interaction or two they regret when traffic is stalled. Unfortunately, there is a very clear connection between aggressive driving and car collisions, which is why reducing aggressive driving rates is a high priority for legislators and law enforcement professionals.

Find out how aggressive driving causes preventable crashes and what you can do to protect yourself. If you’ve been hurt in a crash caused by an aggressive driver, let us help. Call Gardner Law Firm at 228-436-6555 to set up a consultation now.

Aggressive Driving Behaviors

If you ask different people what aggressive driving is, you’ll get slightly different answers from everyone. This term generally refers to any action caused by a driver’s irritation, frustration, or annoyance with traffic, other drivers, or road conditions. Aggressive driving shows a reckless disregard for the driver’s safety, the rules of the road, and the safety of those around them—even if they don’t see it that way.

Excessive speeding is one of the most common reckless driving behaviors. Drivers know that speed limits exist for a reason, and driving much faster than the limit shows that a driver puts their convenience above the safety of everyone else.

Other aggressive driving behaviors are directly aimed at other people on the road. For example, consider how you use your horn. The horn is only meant for situations where you’re at immediate risk of an accident and you want to warn others. People who use it to indicate irritation at someone for cutting them off are misusing the horn, Other aggressive behaviors in this category include making rude gestures at people, yelling at other drivers, or getting in face-to-face confrontations.

What Causes Aggressive Driving?

A wide range of factors cause aggressive driving. Stress and frustration are common triggers, often leading otherwise responsible drivers to act out of character. People may drive aggressively after a bad day of work or when they are late due to traffic. Unfortunately, society also excuses aggressive driving. When you learn to drive from aggressive drivers, you learn to accept that as normal and perpetuate the cycle.

Many drivers also feel a strong sense of anonymity behind the wheel of their car. The chances of another driver recognizing them or actually taking a confrontation to the next level are slim, and this makes drivers a little too comfortable.

The Link Between Aggressive Driving and Car Accidents

It should come as no surprise that there is a clear and direct link between aggressive driving and car collisions. In 2019, excessive speed was the leading driving habit associated with fatal collisions. Additionally, aggressive driving was a factor in over half of all fatal crashes between 2003 and 2007.

When someone is speeding excessively, they need much more time to come to a complete stop. This alone puts them at greater risk of a crash since this type of behavior tends to happen in traffic. Drivers who are lashing out at other drivers or ignoring road signs are often in fight-or-flight mode. When adrenaline surges, it is much harder to make safe and sound decisions. This leads to drivers taking unnecessary risks and putting themselves and others in danger.

When you get into extremely aggressive behavior, such as yelling at other drivers or actually getting into a confrontation with them, the likelihood of a crash skyrockets. If a driver’s attention is completely focused on yelling at another driver or following them home, they have zero chance of actually concentrating on the road enough to avoid an accident. Not only are they likely to cause an accident with the driver they’re fighting with, but there’s also a very real possibility that they will hit an uninvolved driver in the process.

Choose Gardner Law Firm for Your Car Crash Claim

If you’ve been hurt in a crash caused by a reckless or aggressive driver, you could be entitled to substantial compensation. Let us help you explore your legal options. Call us at 228-436-6555 or fill out our online contact form to have a team member reach out to you.