The Connection Between Speeding and Fatal Accidents

The Connection Between Speeding and Fatal Accidents

Speeding is so common that many drivers don’t take it seriously. They assume that everyone speeds and that it’s necessary to keep up with traffic flow. However, the fact is that speeding is dangerous—and speeding kills. Understanding the actual dangers of speeding can help you stay safe on the road, avoid collisions, and make practical driving choices.

Have you been injured in a crash caused by a speeding driver? It’s time to talk to the team at Gardner Law Firm. We’ve seen firsthand how speeding can ruin lives, and we want to help you fight for compensation. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Speeding and Its Effect on Driving Safety

When most people think of speeding, they think of driving above the posted speed limit. However, it also includes driving too fast for road and weather conditions, even if you are still at or below the speed limit. This behavior makes the roads less safe in a variety of ways, including:

  • Reducing your reaction time: The faster you are going, the quicker you have to react to an obstacle or hazard on the road. No matter how strong your decision-making skills are, it isn’t wise to drive in a way that forces you to make difficult split-second choices.
  • Increasing your stopping distance: Driving too fast drastically increases your stopping distance. This is why leaving enough space between you and other vehicles is necessary, another thing that many speeding drivers fail to do. Even if you react in the shortest time possible, your car still needs time to stop. Any delay in your reaction compounds this problem more.
  • Causing you to lose control: When you speed, losing control of your vehicle is much easier. This is even more dangerous when driving on ice, snow, or rain.

The Role of Speeding in Fatal Crashes

Speeding is one of the most common contributing factors to fatal crashes. The most recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that speed-related fatal crashes are rising. Data from 2021 indicates that 28% of all fatal crashes were speed-related, as were 13% of injury-causing collisions and 9% of property damage-only crashes. 

The age group at most significant risk of causing a speed-related fatal crash is 15-20, and male drivers are far more likely to speed than female drivers. Among these crashes, 32% of at-fault drivers had no driver’s license. Speeding is also associated with a greater likelihood of being impaired while driving. All in all, speeding is responsible for the deaths of 12,330 people in 2021.

Beyond drivers and passengers, other groups are at even greater risk of being killed in a speed-related crash. Bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists, who have little protection from other drivers, are at elevated risk among speeding drivers.

Severe Injuries and Speeding

Even if a crash doesn’t cause fatalities, it is more likely to cause severe injuries if speeding is involved. The higher speed causes a greater impact during the collision, ramping up the chances of traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, severe bone breaks, and internal injuries.

Protecting Other Drivers and Passengers

It’s clear that speeding is one of the most prevalent dangers on Mississippi roads. That’s why officials involved in legislation, law enforcement, and public health and safety are all focused on reducing the amount of speeding drivers. One approach is increasing police presence on the roads for greater enforcement of speed limits. This both punishes speeding drivers and deters others from speeding for fear of getting caught. 

Public awareness is another popular approach, as it’s clear we need to change the conversation around speeding. Public education campaigns focus on the legitimate dangers of speeding and putting a face to the tragedies that occur when drivers speed. Other approaches include increased legislation focused on speeding, enhanced safety technology, and community involvement.

Explore Your Legal Options with Gardner Law Firm

Don’t wait to fight for compensation after a speed-related crash. Our team of car accident lawyers is here to help you demand the compensation you deserve. Get started now and set up a consultation by calling us or contacting our team online.