Car Accident Settlement

Ways to Maximize Your Car Accident Settlement

If you have been injured in a car accident, it is time to start figuring out how you’re going to pay for car repairs, medical bills, and bills that have piled up while you’ve been out of work. A personal injury claim can help you fight for the money you deserve, but it does come with its own challenges—insurance companies are in no rush to pay accident victims what they deserve. With a few easy tips, you can do everything in your power to maximize your settlement.

The team of personal injury lawyers at Gardner Law Group is committed to helping you seek justice. Call us at 228-436-6555 or 228-762-6555 to set up a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys now.

Gather and Preserve Relevant Evidence

One of the best things you can do for your personal injury claim is to thoroughly document the accident and its effects. This is perhaps the most time-sensitive part of your claim. Much of the evidence created in a car accident degrades quickly, and if you don’t document and preserve it right away, you risk losing it forever. These are some important tips to remember:

  • Document the scene. After a crash, the city’s priority is to clean it up quickly to avoid further damage and accidents. You need to document it now or lose the opportunity forever. Take photos and videos from multiple distances and angles to gather as much information about the accident scene as you can.
  • Talk to eyewitnesses. Eyewitness accounts are only valuable when they are reliable, and they are most reliable right after a crash. Get their contact information so you can pass it to your attorney right away.
  • Get the police report. Ensure that your side of the story gets included in the police report, and then pick up a copy of the police report as soon as it’s finished. It will be an important part of your case.
  • Keep records of accident-related expenses and trips. Each time you go to the doctor, pay for medication, go to get your repair estimate, or otherwise inconvenience yourself because of the accident, document it. You may be able to recoup some of these losses.

Prioritize Your Medical Care

Injury-related expenses are often the largest chunk of a personal injury settlement. Both for your personal injury case and your overall health, you should get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible after a collision. You might go see your primary practitioner, an urgent care provider, or an emergency care provider. Keep copies of any reports or test results you get, as well as bills you receive.

You should adhere to your treatment plan every step of the way. Before the insurance company pays up, they want to know that you are doing your part—and that means doing everything in your power to make a full recovery. Go to your appointments, do your recommended exercises, and follow up with your doctor as needed.

Avoid Talking to the Other Party’s Insurance Provider

Don’t be surprised if the other driver’s insurance provider gets in touch with you shortly after the accident. They want to hear about what happened in your own words and start figuring out ways to deny you a settlement. They are not on your side, so why do their job for them? You do not have to talk to them or answer their questions—that is one of the main reasons you hire an attorney. Your attorney can convey the necessary information without endangering or weakening your personal injury claim.

Talk to an Attorney

Once you’ve gotten checked out by a doctor and started your path to recovery, it’s time to talk to a personal injury lawyer. You could be entitled to compensation, and a lawyer can help you gain a better understanding of your options and likely outcomes.

Ready to Get Started? Contact Gardner Law Group

At Gardner Law Group, we understand how a serious car accident can affect you and your entire family. Let us support you as you pursue the compensation you deserve. We have offices in Pascagoula and Biloxi, and we’re here to help. You can reach us online, by calling our Biloxi office at 228-436-6555 or call our Pascagoula office at 228-762-6555.