Entries by Gardner Law Firm

How Driver Shortages Affect Commercial Trucking Safety

In the United States, the commercial trucking industry is a crucial part of the economy. They’re responsible for transporting goods and raw materials across the country, often working on tight deadlines and handling time-sensitive loads. The industry has, in recent years, had to face a growing problem: a driver shortage. Not only does this impact […]

The Risks of Crush Injuries After a Car Crash

The human body can only withstand so much force before something has to give. When you’re involved in a car crash, an enormous amount of pressure is generated, and it has to go somewhere. If you are squeezed between objects or otherwise subject to extreme pressure, you may suffer a crush injury. These injuries can […]

What Does Maximum Medical Improvement Mean in a Car Crash Claim?

The road to recovery after a car accident can be long, bumpy, and painful. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult to get a fair settlement—at what point are you done accruing medical expenses and how do you know how much to ask for? We can help. Learn more about the term “maximum medical improvement” and […]

What Should I Do to Maximize My Car Accident Settlement?

The expenses that come with a car accident can overwhelm even the most financially secure family. Medical bills, the cost of a new car or significant repairs, and unexpected time away from work add up quickly. That’s why it’s so important to connect with a personal injury attorney after a crash. If you plan on […]

How To Stay Safe When Driving a Car at Night

Biloxi area roads can be dangerous and there is no foolproof way of avoiding a nighttime accident. This is especially true when you are driving around one of the many casinos in the area. Fortunately, there are things you can do to lower the risk, even before you get behind the wheel. You should consult […]

What To Do If the Insurance Adjuster Distorts Your Words After a Car Crash

In a personal injury case, the rule number one every injured victim should remember is: the insurance companies are not on your side. They are for-profit entities that will pursue every possibility to limit your financial recovery. What you say to an insurance adjuster following your car crash in Mississippi can be used to reduce […]

Steps To Take After Being Hit by A Drunk Driver

A car accident that results in serious injury or death can devastate the victims physically, emotionally, and financially. Things feel much worse if the accident occurred because of a preventable reason, such as drunk driving. After the accident, you may not just struggle to cope with your injuries, pain, and suffering, but may also have […]