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Be Prepared for Tire Blowouts When Passing Semi-Trucks

Mississippi has some of the busiest and most congested highways in the United States. The majority of these routes are a popular choice for trailers and semi-truck drivers, which means you are probably going to share the road with a large commercial vehicle anytime you hit the road. The risk of an accident due to a tire blowout is magnified when driving alongside big rigs or semi-trucks.

Semi-trucks can quickly become a significant danger for everyone around them on the road if a tire blowout happens. You should get in touch with a proven truck accident attorney if you were involved in a tire blowout accident. Here is a short guide to help you be best prepared and reduce the risk of driving alongside semi-trucks.

Causes of Semi-truck Tire Blowouts

You may think that striking an object would be the primary reason for a tire blowout. However, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has determined that the two major causes of large truck tire blowouts are:

  • Failure to properly inspect all tires on a regular basis
  • Failure to replace tires that look worn or damaged

These two root causes attribute to the majority of tire blowout episodes involving large trucks. Other causes include:

  • Excessive braking
  • Over-inflation or under-inflation of tires
  • General tire wear that wasn’t addressed during routine maintenance
  • Overloading can put excessive stress on the tires
  • Excessive tire wear can indicate steering or mechanical malfunctions that should be corrected
  • Mismatched tires or uneven wear patterns
  • Not heeding tire recalls

These situations are all preventable. Not preventing them can be considered negligent behavior. This means that you may be able to recover compensation by working with a personal injury attorney if you were in an accident caused by a tire blowout.

Dangers Of Being in a Tire Blowout Accident

Injuries sustained by a driver or their passengers during a collision with a large vehicle, such as a semi-truck can prove to be devastating. You may not just suffer internal and soft tissue injuries – there may be broken bones, fractures, and other serious injuries as well.

There have been incidences of the driver getting crushed between the semi-truck and other objects in such accidents. This can cause serious damage to the limbs, skull, and spine. There may be a disability or permanent disfigurement. Not to mention, the significant emotional trauma the victim will carry around. Such collisions can also result in one or more deaths.

There are over 160,000 lane miles of roads in Mississippi. Most of them are busy and congested with semi-trucks. This means that drivers are always at the risk of being hit. Most times the travels will conclude without an issue. However, this is not always the case.

Common Injuries in a Semi-truck Tire Blowout Accident


Victims can get crushed between the semi-truck and another vehicle in more serious accidents. This may result in lifelong injuries to the skull, spine, or limbs. You may suffer emotional trauma as well that takes a significant toll on your life.

Other injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Nerve damage and crush injuries
  • Severe lacerations
  • Fractures
  • Loss of limbs
  • Damage to soft tissue
  • Sprains
  • Burns
  • Severe contusions

Being involved in an accident with a semi-truck or a large commercial vehicle can be devastating and traumatic to your financial, physical, and emotional well-being. You should speak with a capable truck accident lawyer if you feel that negligence may have been involved in the accident. You may be able to hold the responsible persons accountable for your injuries.

Tips to Avoid Collisions with a Semi-truck

There are a few simple steps that can help you avoid colliding with large trucks and reduce the risk of a tire blowout accident:

  • Always pass a large vehicle on the left after giving them adequate notice of your actions
  • Never cut off a bus or a truck
  • Always allow trucks to pass you since they may need more time to hit the brakes
  • Be patient when driving around large commercial vehicles

Being in an accident can be traumatic regardless of who or what causes it. You need to remember to document everything if you were in an accident. Take videos and pictures if possible. Make sure you get a copy of the police report. You should seek immediate medical attention even if you think your injuries are not serious enough.

Internal injuries and contusions may take a few hours to fully develop. You need to make sure to follow the medical schedule and all doctor’s instructions.

Contact a Knowledgeable Truck Accident Attorney in Mississippi

Considering the massive size and momentum of a truck, getting involved in a truck accident could result in serious damage to both life and property. The stalwart truck accident lawyers at Gardner Law Firm have extensive experience in helping victims of tire blowout accidents obtain their rightful compensation. Schedule your free and confidential consultation with us today. Call 228-436-6555 or write to us online