pain and suffering

The Correlation Between Car Accidents and Mental Health Issues

Car accidents can have far-reaching effects beyond physical injuries, often leaving victims with significant trauma. A serious collision, or even one that had the potential to be severe, can impact a person’s mental health. Unfortunately, these issues are often ignored when we talk about the consequences of a car crash, even though they can harm your ability to work, care for your family, and enjoy your daily life. Understanding these issues and how they may affect your compensation is important.

If you have been injured in a car accident, it’s time to talk to a lawyer and find out if you’re entitled to compensation. Call Gardner Law Firm at 228-900-9618 to set up a consultation with our team now.

How Car Accidents Impact Mental Health

Any traumatizing event can impact an individual’s mental health, and that obviously includes car accidents. Even if a car accident victim only sustains minor injuries, their mental health may suffer if the accident could have been severe or caused serious injuries to other passengers. Some side effects of mental health issues include:

  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Unexpected or unpredictable mood swings
  • Fear of leaving the house or of being in a car
  • Anxiety and preoccupation with the accident
  • Depression and loss of enjoyment in activities
  • Self-isolation

It’s important to watch out for these symptoms after a car accident, as prompt mental health care is a key part of healing. These issues may present differently in children than in adults, as children are often unable to name their mental health concerns. For example, a child struggling in the aftermath of a car accident may regress in certain areas, experience physical symptoms like nausea, and have difficulty being away from trusted caregivers.

Mental Health Issues Caused by Car Crashes

Victims may be diagnosed with a variety of issues after a collision, including:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Car accidents can cause PTSD, a psychological disorder preceded by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It’s especially common in an event where the victim is close to dying or has a very real fear of dying. Individuals often report intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, heightened anxiety, and hyper-tension.
  • Anxiety and panic disorders: Car accidents can lead to chronic anxiety and panic disorders. Individuals may develop intense fear or worry about being in a vehicle, which can have a negative impact on their ability to return to life as normal.
  • Depression: The emotional and physical toll of a car accident can contribute to depression. Common feelings include sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, difficulty concentrating, and changes in sleep and appetite.
  • Phobias and irrational fears: After a car accident, individuals may develop specific phobias related to driving, being a passenger, or certain aspects of the accident itself. These fears can significantly impact their ability to travel, return to work, and participate in family activities.

Getting Help for Mental Health Concerns After a Collision

After a car accident, getting your physical injuries checked out is often a top priority. This means that mental healthcare often falls by the wayside. Unfortunately, when mental health issues are left untreated, they can worsen and cause further disruptions in your life. While some anxiety and restlessness are normal after an accident, symptoms that last longer than a few days may require more in-depth care.

It may be helpful to reach out to a counselor or therapist to discuss your feelings after a collision. Trained professionals are used to situations just like yours, and they can help you navigate the healing process in a safe and healthy way.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to lean on loved ones during this time. People often resist asking for help, because they think that they should be able to move on without disrupting others. But those who care about you won’t feel like you’re bothering them when you need help—that’s what friends and family members are for.

We understand that many people worry about seeking professional help because of the costs associated with it. A personal injury claim may help you cover these and other expenses.

Get the Support You Deserve with Gardner Law Firm

Ready to find out if you’re able to seek compensation after your accident? The team at Gardner Law Firm is here to help you. To set up a free consultation, just call us at 228-900-9618 or send us a message online.