car accident lawyers in pascagoula

The Psychological Impact of Car Accidents on Victims and Their Families

Trauma affects the mind in a variety of ways, and it’s important to watch out for signs of trauma after a car accident. Car crashes, particularly those that result in severe or fatal injuries, can leave those involved with serious psychological issues. This is true even if a car crash could have been severe but didn’t cause any catastrophic injuries. Understanding the psychological effects of a crash can help victims and family members move through this period with the help they need.

Have you been injured in a car crash? The team at Gardner Law Firm is here to help you pursue the compensation you’re owed. Call us at 228-900-9618 to set up a consultation now.

The Immediate Aftermath of a Crash

In the minutes, hours, and days after a crash, don’t be alarmed if you go through the entire spectrum of emotions. An accident can remind you just how fragile life is, even if your life was never truly in danger. Victims report immediately feeling shock, fear, hopelessness, and anger.

This is true whether or not you were responsible for the accident. When victims are responsible for the accident, they are often left scared to drive again because they worry about causing another crash in a similar manner. When they are not responsible for the crash, they’re frightened to realize that their safety is not only in their own hands.

A crash may leave you with significant anxiety and fear. Beyond just worrying about yourself, you may fear for the safety of your loved ones every time they get behind the wheel. This tends to fade with time as the memory of the car accident is replaced with safer, more recent driving experiences.

Emotional trauma is fairly common after a severe car accident. Helplessness, a loss of control, and vulnerability are all commonly reported feelings. A lot depends on how you handle these feelings. If you address them with the help of mental health professionals, you may be able to process them in a healthy way. If you repress them or try to ignore them, they may continue to cause rifts in your daily life.

Long-Term Effects on Families and Victims

Beyond the immediate impact of a car accident, a crash can also leave victims and loved ones with long-term psychological issues. Chronic anxiety and depression are possible outcomes, particularly for victims who experienced catastrophic injuries and must adjust to a completely different lifestyle.

Some, particularly those who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), report flashbacks and intrusive thoughts. Repeatedly reliving the traumatic event against your will can cause further trauma and make it harder for you to move on.

Sleep disturbances are another way that psychological trauma may affect your daily life. In some cases, insomnia happens because of frequent accident-related nightmares. Your mind naturally fights sleep harder in an attempt to protect you from the nightmares. In other cases, you struggle to quiet your racing mind so you can fall asleep.

Over time, these mental health issues can erode the strength of familial, romantic, and platonic relationships. If a victim withdraws or isolates themselves from their loved ones, their support network shrinks further and makes it more challenging for them to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

How Victims Can Navigate This Challenging Time

Victims must take their mental health seriously during this painful transitory period. You know it’s important to seek medical treatment after an accident, but you should also prioritize mental health treatment during this time. The sooner you seek out treatment, the better your prognosis is and the sooner you can begin moving toward recovery.

If financial issues have kept you from getting the mental health treatment you need, it may be time to consider a personal injury claim. This can help you cover your mental health expenses, medical bills, and other accident-related expenses.

Injured in a Crash in Mississippi? Call Gardner Law Firm Now

Don’t wait any longer to find out if you are owed compensation after a car accident. The team at Gardner Law Firm is here to advocate for you. To schedule your free consultation, call us at 228-900-9618 or send us a message online.