minor car accident

Minor Car Accident: Should I Hire a Lawyer

Most people wonder if they need a lawyer after a minor car collision. Almost all of the time, if injuries or damages caused in an accident are minor, victims may not seek legal representation. They think there is no reason for hiring a lawyer, and others may not even know that a legal representative is something they are entitled to after accidents.

Most accidents are arbitrary and happen out of the blue. They can cause an unexpected situation that can require a lot of time, money, and effort to deal with. The greatest concern in situations along these lines is the health and safety of the individuals involved.

Hiring a lawyer will help ensure that a victim is paid a fair amount of compensation for the damages that they suffer, as little as they may be. It is therefore very necessary to hire a lawyer to ensure all processes are completed and done in a timely manner.

Things To Do Immediately After a Minor Accident

Since most people rarely ever get into car accidents, it is very common to not know the things to do immediately after an accident. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself after a minor car accident legally, even before considering talking to a lawyer:

  • Check yourself and others involved in the accident for any injuries.
  • Take pictures or videos of the accident scene, any injuries, or the damage to your vehicle.
  • Exchange names, contact information, or driving license numbers with the other driver(s).
  • Look around and obtain the names and contact information of any eyewitnesses.
  • Ensure that the first responding police officers file a report of the accident.
  • Visit a doctor as soon as you can even if your injuries are minor.

Gathering all this information and following these steps can help a lot if you do decide to hire a car accident lawyer. All this information will be used to strengthen your case and build a solid case for fair compensation. Your lawyer will also deal directly with the insurance companies to protect your rights and promote your case. Therefore, such information can prove vital if the case needs to go to court.

Damages Suffered May Be Much Severe Than You Think

At the time of being involved in a minor car accident, you might think that filing a claim with your insurance company or the other driver’s insurer and repairing the damage to your vehicle will be enough to get past this incident. But in reality, it is not always that easy.

Even a minor car accident can sometimes turn into a legal battle, fighting which might be beyond your capabilities, especially after sustaining injuries that may not present themselves immediately after the crash.

According to the CDC, car accident injuries send more than 2.3 million people to the emergency room every year. Due to the adrenaline rush right after the accident, you may believe that you are not hurt or injured in any way. Even though these injuries may not present themselves immediately, their effect can start kicking in a few days or even a few weeks later. They can result in chronic pain and may require long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents in Mississippi

Another benefit of hiring a car accident lawyer is that they can help ensure you file for compensation before the deadline. According to the statute of limitations in the state of Mississippi, you have two years from the date of your car accident to file a personal injury claim.

Filing after this period will mean that you missed your chance to seek compensation. Two years might seem like a lot of time, but it goes quickly in a legal context. Therefore, taking action immediately and ensuring the collection of proper evidence is necessary.

What to Look for While Hiring a Lawyer

Even if you have been involved in a minor accident, seeking legal representation from a lawyer who is knowledgeable about personal injury and liability is very important. Your attorney should have a working knowledge of the type of motor vehicle claims and the different medical procedures that may be required.

The reputation and history of their cases can tell you a lot about the competence of a lawyer. The relationship between a client and their lawyer should be built on a foundation of professionalism and efficiency.

Choose an Experienced Car Accident Injury Attorney in Mississippi

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence or misconduct, speak to a skilled and knowledgeable car accident injury attorney regarding your case. An attorney with experience in car accident cases can not only guide you through the insurance claims process but can also help in assessing the fair value of your damages and initiate settlement negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf.

At Gardner Law Firm, our attorneys are aggressive during negotiation and trial, and compassionate when discussing the case with you. We can investigate crash scenes and collect evidence with due diligence to determine liability, pursue liable parties, and secure the rightful compensation needed to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and your pain and suffering.

Learn more about the legal options available to you through a complimentary, no-obligation case review with our skilled accident attorneys today. To schedule a consultation, call today at 228-900-9618 or contact us online.